Perfect South Cooler Recipe by Bloodwood

Our favourite Newtown haunt is Bloodwood and we’re there often (probably a little bit too much). Aside from the consistently delicious food, their cocktail and wine list is top notch, as is their staff. And now, we have a legitimate reason to visit more often (in the name of quality control and customer relations) because they have created a cocktail with our Estate Sencha green tea.
Called the Perfect South Cooler, it's a tall drink that was conjured up by resident cocktail connoisseur, Louise Dowling. If you love a gin and tonic with cucumber it's up that alley and goes down a treat on a hot afternoon, with lots of ice. Here’s the recipe for you to make your very own.
Perfect South Cooler
30ml Perfect South Sencha Green Tea
45ml Poor Tom's Gin
15ml La Goya Manzanilla Sherry
10ml Sugar Syrup
10ml Lemon Juice
Pre-make the green tea and chill down in the fridge. Place all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Serve over ice in a tall glass, top with soda water and garnish with fresh cucumber. Enjoy!