A green tea beer called Otaku

A green tea beer called Otaku

Life is full of surprises and we're pretty much always up for doing interesting things, so when a friend (Oscar), who brews beer in Newtown's resident brewery (Young Henry's) called and said they needed green tea for a craft beer we thought, "Hmm, that sounds interesting!" After chatting about their vision for the brew we grabbed a sample of our Houjicha tea, which coincidently has the nick name "man tea" (perfect), and headed over to the brewery.

The Japanese inspired beer is a collaboration with Two Birds Brewing from Melbourne for Sydney Craft Beer Week.  What we especially love about both brewers is their commitment to their craft, their hands on approach, and their willingness to push the boundaries.

Called Otaku, the beer they've created is flavoured with Wakami and Laver seaweed and Houjicha green tea, which is used to inhance the Umami (savoury) flavour.  Head brewer from Young Henry's, Richard Adamson (pictured below), told us it's an intriguing and balanced beer that's an excellent accompaniment to Asian food. The word Otaku is a Japanese term that's used to refer to people with obsessive interests - we can relate to that!

If you're in Sydney next week, we'll be drinking and celebrating the launch of Otaku, while eating dumplings and Japanese inspired desserts from 5.00pm onwards at the:

Royal Albert Hotel
140 Commonwealth Street
Surry Hills
